The eSite Analytics Blog

The eSite Platform: Predictive analytics to enable better targeting.

The eSite Platform (eSP) helps answer a wide spectrum of location-specific questions.  From understanding customer demographics to breaking down traffic data, eSite Analytics offers a continuum of services that help our clients to select the best locations and analyze how large their networks can grow.  Here’s how those services are organized.

eSP includes three solutions to support different needs:

eSP: eSite offers free information on demographics, competitors, traffic mobility and more, based on individual locations. As the name implies, there’s no cost to use provides prepackaged data sets and custom reports for businesses, governments and educational researchers. Whether looking for information on one site or multiple locations, DemographicsNow has the tools you need.

TrailBlazer is a state-of-the-art enterprise solution for advanced site selection and targeting analytics. With a 360-degree view of existing or proposed locations, TrailBlazer provides spatial insights to improve the entire shopping experience – from online to on-the-ground and every channel in between.

A range of solutions to answer a variety of location intelligence questions

“The eSite Platform is a multi-tiered threaded software service that can be pieced off or added together in a very seamless way to address a specific business question or set of questions,” said eSite Analytics President Charles Wetzel.  “From free demographic reports to discrete self-service answers to in-depth software as a service mobile analytics, eSite offers a range of solutions to meet our customers wherever they are, based on their needs.”

Some of the questions that clients answer by using eSP include:

  • How big can we grow and where should we locate?
  • Where do my customers live, work and shop – and what routes do they take to get there?
  • How much will a new location cannibalize existing sales?
  • What’s the best way to integrate online and offline channels?
  • Who are my customers, what’s the best way to reach them and how can I drive loyalty?
  • How can we deploy capital more efficiently and with less risk?

Clients can access eSP quickly and easily.  By visiting or users can simply enter their desired location and download relevant reports within seconds.  There’s no need for training or a degree in data science to get started – but support is available, as needed.

Learn more

For more on how eSP helps clients with their analytic needs, watch the video here.

To learn more or to schedule a live demo, visit here.

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eSite AnalyticsThe eSite Platform: Predictive analytics to enable better targeting.

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